Saturday, June 02, 2007

Summer comes to the Yukon!

It's been almost six months since I posted to this blog, but the ice melted on my lake several weeks ago, and the temperature is now up to 20 C (69 F) during the day, and staying above freezing (by a few degrees,) at night. "Outside," they call it "good sleeping weather," though I feel like I have that all year around. How cozy it is to snuggle under down comforters and Hudson Bay blanket when it's -30 C outside!

I spent part of Victoria Day (May 19-21) weekend up on Lake Labarge, a half hour drive north of my cabin. The lake was still partly frozen, but the ice was going out, and it was beautiful (see photo, above!)

Now the woods around my cabin have the herby and spicy, moist smell of new spagnum moss, juniper bushes and spruce. The wind wafts over my mountain, cooled by the snow still resting in the shadows of the rocks, and ripples across my lake. Arctic terns, pipers, ravens, gulls, mallards and loons are nesting around the lake edge The loons call out late into the evening when the sun goes down (towards midnight.)


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