Sunday, July 09, 2006

Some thought on living in a small structure

I was reading some articles on tiny houses (since mine is 12' x 16'.) Having last lived in a land of McMansions, I have found it a learning experience to understand what I need / want to have in terms of shelter as I make my way here in the North. The following quote struck a responsive chord:

"In our study of basic housing we have developed the following list of recommended minimum standards necessary for a quality living environment:
- Shelter from the elements.
- Personal security.
- Space for the preparation and consumption of food.
- Provision for personal hygiene.
- Sanitary facilities for relieving one's self.
- Secure storage for one's possessions.

The following items, while not essential, we consider important for quality of life:
- Place for trash receptacles.
- Space for one to relax and socialize.
- An outdoor area for a small yard or garden"

Source: The ProHousing Project, The Issues -- Minimum Standards

I guess everyone wants different things in their living space. I love the snugness of my cabin, the coziness in winter with the stove going, the lake view from my window, having enough space for visitors to eat and sleep overnight, the flow of air from the side window on the lower level up to the gable window in the loft. And the beaded board walls, which seem so warm coloured to me. I'll add some more pictures in the future, so you can see what I mean.


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